© 2025 Ararat Challenge
Privacy PolicyThe #AraratChallenge movement reflected the impact of the Aurora Humanitarian Movement in Armenia and Armenian communities globally and was based on the universal concept of Gratitude in Action.
Starting from November 18, 2020, Aurora had been providing humanitarian aid to the people of Artsakh affected by the war on the basis of the #AraratChallenge crowdfunding initiative. Together with partner organizations, the #AraratChallenge initiative helped projects focused on providing essentials to displaced people, restoring civil infrastructure in Artsakh, and facilitating the region’s long-term social development. Overall, the #AraratChallenge and the Aurora for Artsakh program have benefitted over 150,000 local people.
You can find more detailed information about the projects that received funding by scrolling down or by selecting one of the subsections from the menu on the right.
The Aurora team is committed to supporting the humanitarian community's efforts to address key humanitarian challenges and provide opportunities for those in need.